Basket and Furniture Willow branches

We have several varieties of basketry willow available that are great for basket weaving. These stems are graded by length and sold by the dry pound. Our current price is $12.00 per pound (plus S&H). The number of stems per pound will vary based on the desired length. The varieties that we currently have available are listed below.
****We will begin harvesting our willow varieties for basketry, furniture, and weaving in early December of each year. This willow will be dried and available for purchase in the spring. Please contact us if you would like to pre- order and we will get you on the list! Thanks for your interest!
- Please contact us directly if you have any questions or would like to place an order.
****We will begin harvesting our willow varieties for basketry, furniture, and weaving in early December of each year. This willow will be dried and available for purchase in the spring. Please contact us if you would like to pre- order and we will get you on the list! Thanks for your interest!
S. Miyabeana - This willow produces long rods. We currently have stem lengths from 6-8 feet. The stems dry to reddish-brown color.
S. Viminalis - These brown stems are available in lengths of 4-7 feet. S. Americana - These stems dry to a brown color. Slightly lighter than the Belgium Red. These stems can be purchased in lengths of 4-6 feet. S. Belgium Red - These stems dry to chocolate brown color. These stems can be purchased in lengths of 4-6 feet. S. Alba Vitellina - We currently have these stems in lengths from 4-6 feet. This willow dries to a deep yellow color. This season the Vitellina have an orange tint as well, making it a very colorful addition to any project. S. Koriyanagi Rubykins - This willow produces very thin stems that dry to a light brown. These are available in lengths of 2-4 feet. Other varities we have include: - German Basket Willow - S. Dasyclados - S. Var Daves Green - S. Purpurea Eugenii - S. Triandra Black Maul - S. Purpurea Dicky Meadows - Salix x Rubens Hutchensons Yellow - S. Flame - S. Purpurea x Daphnoides - S. Purpurea Green Dicks - S. Purpurea SS Lambertiana - S. Alba Britzensis |